Wednesday, July 17, 2013


hidup sekarang x berapa it's eat,sleep and drink CAMELOT..
udah kemelut aku.....

Monday, March 11, 2013

kembang hidung...

Eteh..nape sy panggil anak sy eteh?? sbb die putih kot..haha, ntah..bukan main lagi nakal sekarang..tangan mmg x leh dok diam..ada saja nk tabuh org...
so insiden hari sabtu lepas, si kecik ni sorang je hidung ikut abah die..a very prominent feature..nnt besar muka jadi cam Bernard Chandran..
so di petang, umi dan abah tgh dok borak2 berdua duan kat dapur..yg kiddies semua dok depan tv..
dtg la si kecik ni...mai mengadu..ada benda dlm hidung..jatuh la coklat/ gula gula seketul kecik..pandai lak dok main jolok hidung..pastu umi p picit lak hidung die..die pun nangis..rupanya ada lagi seketul gula-gula dlm lubang hidung yg sama! adus...lagi la gula2 tu naik ke atas..buka turun..
so we all pun berlari2 bw die p emergency waktu maghrib....habis la kakak/abg kena marah sbb tak jaga adik dok leka tgk screen tv..
bila smp emergency room..tgh dok tunggu dr, dah meleleh skit lubang hidung tu kaler kuning sbb gula2 kuning dah nk cair  ....dr kasi baring atas katil dgn balut dgn selimut..pegang kuat2 sbb nk tarik dgn tweezer..kwn tu lagi la dok menjerit sampai nk muntah2...last2...dr nampak gula2 masuk dlm tekak...mesti eteh sedut kuat nye smp terus masuk tekak...pastu diam..
bila dah abis..tau la pulak tak nak mkn dah gula2...nk mkn nasi jer...hmmmmmmm

Sunday, February 17, 2013

on being 36...

hmm, dah tua..
makin rasa dah tua bila gigi dah mcm ngilu, dan tulang dok bunyi krek2 kat sana sini.....hmm

a lot of things i've learnt from last year on self discovery..
most importantly on nutrition and being a mother, wife..

nape saya minum/mkn byk2 tapi tak pernah gemuk?
how is nutrition asorbed? has to climb up the vili in the intestines...good bacteria against bad bacteria,
if all the bad bacteria is left in the stomach, nothing is nutrients are sent out to your body..just toxins..toxins got out through our skin, pee, poop....normally through skin on a slow process..but if too excretes like, rest, stress all play a part..

the gut lining/stomach also plays a part..if our walls are not good, toxins go straight to the blood stream..
so be careful what you eat, fast food, maggi, fried food, candy, sweets..
sugar is the source of feeding yeast and builds up in your body..

air borned pollutants are increasing by the radicals, sun, smoke, exhaust gas..this make us more allergic..

hmm...get rid of the carbs...carbs lead to gas, inflamation..weight gain..(not really a problem)

on being a mommy,

try to be fair to your them unconditionally and treat them like how our moms raised us..
eventhough we are not fully time moms at home..LISTEN to them , play with your kids once a while..and try to cook something for them if you can...there are 1001 house chores to be done,but chuck them..just take time to be what they need..
-note to self-

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

minggu ni penat..

Ruff-ruff mcm penat on monday night..kul 2am x nk tido lagi...penat la umi dok tepuk..mungkin baju lengan panjang yg nipis kot..kipas kuat sgt..or dah 2 minggu tido atas mmg kering skit..
so tues amik cuti, konon nk p klinik tp umi dah flat dok umah je la..ruff-ruff tido dr kul 12 sampai la kul 5 ptg....tues night ok..pas bagi mkn ubat dlm peti ais..last night tamau tido lagi smp kul 1am..dok guling2 lagi..dok bebel apa ntah...ngigau kot...jenuh la umi dok tepuk...tadi p sekolah ok je.."babai uni!"...hmmm umi gi kerja mcm zombie lagi...hari ni x nak masak apa...beli je..tak kuasa dah nk masuk dapur kul 4 30 pagi...flat..i need a holiday!!

minggu ni bwk keta je..tak kuasa dah nk naik komuter..hanya survive sehari je..dari naik kat bt3..berdiri smp la ke kl sentral...40 min, pastu tukar ke lrt..pastu jln kaki lagi naik bukit annexe..masa balik lg horror..jln kaki, lrt, tunggu train kt kl sentral..turun2 dah terlepas tunggu la dlm 20 min..berdiri..tren x smp2..pastu ada annoucement train 3 koc je dtg..semua org serbu..x de can la nk masuk mcm sardin dah...pastu dok ulang lagi annoucement..tren 6 koc dlm 5 min lagi..dekat 5 kali ulang, tak muncul2....menangis umi kat platform..dah kul 626...kalu naik keta  smp dah umah 615..huhuhuhu, rebut2 naik koc ladies..berdiri la mcm sardin smp la ke bt3..dah le x de org turun sgt..dgn penat, lapar, panas, pakai baju dua lapis..mmg mencabar keimanan..

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Sad week...

Yesterday, K Ta meninggal, she had breast cancer stage 4. she is survived by her husband, 5 children, 1 son in law and 2 grandchildren..she struggled with cancer for about 2 years.
Early this morning, my husband's grandfather died. we visited him last week in the hospital, he still looked really strong and could remember everything.

yesterday was also the start of the school term, since missing the van that morning (due to comm breakdown btw boss and driver), i had to shuttle them to 725am , it was already jammed with cars infront of both schools. too bad they missed the chance of sitting in front again...kakak always sits at the back..sian this morning, reminding the driver again at night..they were off to school by 620am..waking up at 545am...sian nye pagi2 buta dah kuar rumah..maknya boleh sambung tido lagi..
insya Allah semoga menjadi anak2 yg rajin p sekolah sbb slalu keluar rumah awal nk p menimba ilmu..

Eteh ( Ruff-Ruff), also starting a new school Tadika ND at 3 y.o., since LC already fully packed with 70 kids, and umi last minute searching..sampai ke sek. 20,, kat taman ni ada 2 tadika jer..nursery x tanya la Tadika ND boleh tak amik budak 3 thn..die kata ok je..cikgu die very mature and responsible..eventhough kecik skit tempat petang semlm masa pickup tgk Eteh happy jer..balik rumah pun good mood....lega..x de nangis mcm tempat lama..jauh beza..leh seb kos dekat 1k.

so target thn ni nk naik komuter p kerja..tgk la cam na..budak2 dah settle..dah x thn jam kat fed highway tu..masa p ok lagi..masa balik boleh muntah2 dlm keta....

mlm ni hb x de sbb p pengebumian tok wan..tatau balik bila, esok, lusa or ahad..